We would like to know how we can improve our service to you and how you perceive the Practice and our staff.
Robin Hood Lane Patient Participation Group
The Patient Participation Group advises the Practice on patients’ views regarding the development of the Practice, and allows the Practice to consider patients’ views when reviewing and expanding services.
Some of this is done via email and some by periodic meetings at the Practice to enable participants to discuss feedback and new ideas. If you wish to participate please contact the Practice or complete the online form by clicking on the button shown below
OR: if you prefer, you can download the sign-up form below, print it out, fill it in, and post it to the Practice, put it through the letterbox, or hand it to a Receptionist.
Download the pdf version of our sign up form
We aim to acknowledge your request within a few days.
Please note that the PPG cannot become involved in matters of a specifically medical or clinical nature.
Terms of Reference
Title of the Group
- The Group shall be called THE ROBIN HOOD LANE PPG.
Aims of the Group
- The aims of the Group are to promote co-operation between the Practice and Patients to the benefit of both.
Membership of the Group
- Membership of the Group shall be open and free to all registered Patients and staff of the Practice.
Activities of the Group
- The Group will be kept informed of the Practice Services relating to the Sutton Clinical Commissioning Group to which it belongs. It may express opinions on these services on behalf of the patients.
- The Group will consult with the Practice on service development and provision and assist in the assessment of community medical needs.
- The Group will contribute to, and be kept informed of, Practice decisions.
- The Group will advise the Practice on the education needs of the community by encouraging and supporting activities within the Practice to promote preventive medicine and healthy lifestyle choices.
- The Group will find ways to communicate with patients once a year informing them of the work of the Practice and activities of the Group. The bulletin will be distributed by email, and will be made available in the surgery and on the Practice web page.
- The Group will seek to ensure that Patient information and advice are readily available and clearly presented.
- The Group will represent patients at the Practice in seeking to suggest improvements in local provision of health and social care.
Meetings of the Group
- The Group will endeavour to meet no fewer than four times a year.
- Notices of meetings, minutes of meetings and information about the PPG’s activities will be displayed on Practice notice board and on the Practice web page, and members will be notified by email and by text messaging.
Organisation of the Group
- The Group’s activities will be organised by a Committee of members.
- Administrative assistance will be provided by staff at the Practice until the group appoints a secretary and a chair.
The National Association of Patient Participation
This association aims to promote the role and benefits of PPGs to patients, the public and health professionals, to create more understanding of the value of true patient participation also to promote the support available from N.A.P.P. Find out more about them click here.
The information you supply us will be used lawfully, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. The Data Protection Act 2018 gives you the right to know what information is held about you and sets out rules to make sure that this information is handled properly.