Submit a medical or admin request and get the help you need without waiting.

Register with us as a New Patient

How to Register

If you are a new patient to this practice, you will be required to complete a couple of registration forms which you can collect from the surgery, download or, preferably complete online.

You will then need to fill in a questionnaire regarding your health so that we can ensure you have the most up to date medical records, and we can arrange any relevant follow up, such as an appointment in our diabetic clinic if you have Diabetes.

Acceptance on to the list is as at the discretion of the Doctor and we will ask you for proof of identity. (Please refer to our registration policy below and why we ask for this). Please note that your medical records may take several weeks to arrive at the Practice.

Practice Area

  • The North boundary runs from the A24 across Hamilton Avenue, Oldfields Road, Rosehill Park West, Grennell Road, Benhill Road and Erskine Road.
  • The East boundary runs from Erskine Road down Mead Crescent, Coleridge Avenue, Shorts Road, Cambridge Road, and Banstead Road South through to Downs Road.
  • The South boundary runs across The Drive, Brighton Road, and Downs Road as far as Banstead Road South.
  • The West boundary runs down the A24 London Road Morden, Malden Road, the A232 Ewell Road, Harefield Aveue, Cheyham Way and Golf Side.

Catchment area

We are happy to accept new patients who are ordinarily resident in the UK and living within our practice boundary.

We now also accept patients who live outside of our catchment area. However, if you wish to register as an our of area patient, it is important that you are aware that this will mean you may not have access to community services, and in particular any home visiting services.

Not in our catchment area?

Please note that if you were previously registered with a Doctor outside the UK then the Practice will not have access to your medical notes. All patients who register from abroad should contact their previous Doctor to obtain copies of their notes.

Named Accountable GP

You will be assigned to a doctor who will be your “Named Accountable GP” as required by the NHS, however, you can choose to be seen by any clinician as long as they are available.

You will be added to the practice list, not an individual doctor. You can ask to be seen by any of the doctors in the practice although it will not always be possible to see the doctor of your choice on a particular day and time.

Register online

Our online registration form will collect your details, a brief outline of your medical history and record your preferences. This information may be added to your record and will allow us to begin to provide you with medical services.

Please complete one form for each family member.

Download the Forms

If you would rather submit your application to register personally please download and complete the forms below.

The National Care Record Service (NCRS)

Important information regarding your NHS medical records – Summary Care Record

The National Care Record Service (NCRS) is the way in which health professionals now access the Summary Care Record (SCR). The SCR has not changed, it is just the way SCRs are accessed that has changed.   

For more information about NCRS please see: National Care Records Service

Information for patients who wish to opt out of having a summary care record, including an opt out form is available here: Opting out

Organ Donation

From 2020, adults in England will be considered potential donors unless they choose to opt out or are excluded. For more information please visit the Organ Donation NHS UK where you can also register your decision.